These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Respect and Courtesy
No insults, harassment, or discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or other characteristics.
Respect the opinions and contributions of others.
No Illegal or Inappropriate Content
Sharing content that violates local or international laws (e.g., hate speech, child pornography, terrorism promotion) is strictly prohibited.
Violent or explicit content must be marked as sensitive.
No Spam or Unsolicited Advertising
Unsolicited advertising, bulk messaging, or spam is not allowed.
Content should be relevant and respectful to the community.
Privacy and Personal Information
Do not share personal information of others without their explicit consent.
Respect the privacy of all users.
Security and Accountability
Users are responsible for the security of their accounts (e.g., strong passwords, two-factor authentication).
Any form of hacking, phishing, or misuse of the platform is strictly prohibited.
Appropriate Behavior in the Federation
Interact respectfully with other servers and adhere to their rules when commenting or sharing content from those servers.
Mastodon instances that tolerate hate speech or other violations may be blocked.
Moderation and Reporting
Violations of these rules can be reported. The moderation team will take appropriate actions in a timely manner (e.g., warnings, account suspension, or content removal).
Moderation decisions are final and non-negotiable.
Why these rules matter
These rules are designed to foster a safe, respectful, and collaborative environment that is welcoming and inspiring for all users.